Living in Interesting Times?
After a busy year that has included the Finch report and a new policy from RCUK, UKCoRR Chair Yvonne Budden delivers the opening presentation of the annual meeting at Teesside University on 9th November 2012.
United Kingdom Council of Open Research and Repositories
After a busy year that has included the Finch report and a new policy from RCUK, UKCoRR Chair Yvonne Budden delivers the opening presentation of the annual meeting at Teesside University on 9th November 2012.
In the months since UKCoRR first blogged about the Finch Report and the new RCUK policy, discussions have been (and still are) raging about both the report and the policy and whether it presents the best way forward for the UK as a whole. Open Access is seeing an increase in the level of media attention and institutions have begun…
As an administrator for an institutional repository with both full-text and metadata only records, there are three questions that I return to again and again: How to increase deposits of full-text? Is linking to an open access copy as good as hosting a copy? How careful should I be about copyright? I haven’t found definitive…
As we all know, repositories are an established component of the rapidly evolving scholarly web infrastructure in the UK and globally, and whatever the impact of Finch and the potential shift from Green to Gold, they are likely to remain a primary source of authoritative full-text versions of research outputs and, increasingly, associated data-sets as…