This week is open access week, and to celebrate UKCoRR hopes to collate together what our membership is up to. If you’re a UKCoRR member and you have a news article or blog post online about your activities, email the Chair with the link and details, and we’ll add it to the list below.
- City University: Repository launch party [News article] [OA Week events]
- Glyndŵr University: Travelling repository manager visiting academics to collect papers [Blog]
- London School of Economics: LSE Research Online: In Your Office – visiting academics and research managers. Awards for the most downloaded/deposited items [News article]
- University of Edinburgh: Visiting, seminar and press release [News article]
- University of Glasgow: OA deposit competition [News article]
- University of Northampton: OA competition and vox pox videos [News article]
- University of Salford: Repository team comes to you drop in sessions! [News article]
- University of Sussex: Offering seminars on open access publishing [News article]
- UWE Bristol: Lunchtime events, competition and interviews with academics [Blog] [Interview 1]
- Research Support Project: Facilitaing visits between repository managers [Blog]
And a bit of background reading suggested by Seb Schmoller
In other news: Maney Publishing will be offering open access to all Archaeology & Heritage
content from 24th October until 4th November.