Thanks to Daniel Payne at LSE for compiling this list. The document is publicly editable so please feel free to add relevant information:
List of publishers likely to permit self-archiving of book chapters in institutional repositories
United Kingdom Council of Open Research and Repositories
Thanks to Daniel Payne at LSE for compiling this list. The document is publicly editable so please feel free to add relevant information:
List of publishers likely to permit self-archiving of book chapters in institutional repositories
Is it ok to add our Press from Stockholm University to the list? We’ve had UK authors publishing with us, so I think it would be of interest to you.
All our books are published with CC-licensing, so self-archiving is absolutely permitted with no embargoes.
Let me know if you have any questions.
this list has now been merged into one – which includes Cambridge, LSE, Strathclyde and LSHTM found policies.
Thanks John!
Does anyone know where this list has gone? I’ve been accessing the list via but the link doesn’t work anymore as of today. If anyone has a working link I’d be really grateful.
Clair (Manchester metropolitan University)
Hi Claire
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Do you mean the OA Book Chapter list, this is the link to it, There was an error last week but it is all now restored